Monday, December 28, 2009

New Ish: The Roscoe Lee Browne Award

"I'm straight stuntin' on you hoes"

Happy Black Monday bitches! My man Hubris said that the Personal Foul I posted a while back (click here for reference) was a hit! So, We've decided to make this an ongoing segment. From time to time, I'll be selecting a winner of The Roscoe Lee Browne Award, named after the man who was not afraid to let his hair curtain hang. Now, some might refer to his hair style as The George Jefferson, but we at Aarenas' Revenge believe it's only right to honor brotha Browne who kept his shit all the way trill by letting it grow out to comb-able lengths! Take that Sherman Hemsley (no disrespect!).

The Roscoe Lee Browne Award will be bestowed upon those black men in show biz, sports, and everyday life who refuse to let their Roscoe show. In fact they make every effort to HIDE the fact that their hairlines have disappeared like condoms in a Tiger Woods hotel room by wearing lace-front wigs, "Beijings", hair transplants, and other ridiculously obvious disguises. One example-



Damn Jamie, at least try to fool us by adding that shit gradually.

You aint foolin' AAR. We see yo ass and we will call bullshit!

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