Monday, January 18, 2010


Not much can be said about this man that hasn't already been said. So, I'll keep this short and sweet.

It really wasn't until this year that I seriously gained an appreciation for Dr. King and all that he did. Before now, in my mind, his legacy had become so Santa Claus-ified that I saw MLK as nothing more than another symbol of capitalism disguised as a holiday. Even beyond that, often times in the Black community, peers and mentors alike had a tendency to pressure you into choosing sides when it came to Martin and Malcolm and who you took as your own personal civil rights hero. We all know there can only be one #1 right (Wrong!)? Growing up in a Muslim household, that decision was made for me early on- since Malcolm was Muslim and "less of an Uncle Tom", we rode for El-Hajj Malik.

But, as an adult, I know realize how foolish and narrow-minded that was. MLK bust his guns by way of the pen, just as much as Malcolm did by holding that AK in the window. Can't front on that. So, MLK, this one's for you brother- for your kids who aint get to grow up with their pops- for Coretta who probably cried every night because no other man could fill your shoes- on behalf of a nation of people who can blog about stupid shit all day because of the sacrifices you made. Salutations, peace, and blessings.

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