Ok, so I'm sitting at work bullshitting, wishing I was at home writing, when all of a sudden the following dialogue takes place between two of my white female colleagues.
Vapid Pinktoe #1: "Oh wow, Lil Wayne sentenced to 1 year in prison! OMG!". (Obviously referring to the rapper's recent legal troubles. My initial thought was "Bitch, you just NOW finding out about this?". But then I remembered that white people don't really check for "Black" news until it's on the front page of msn.com or People magazine. So, in my head, i let it slide.)
Vapid Pinktoe #2: "Did you hear what happened to D'Angelo?".
Vapid Pinktoe #1: "No, but i used to love that CD, Brown Sugar!"
Vapid Pinktoe #2: "Google 'D'Angelo Arrested' and you'll find out"
Vapid Pinktoe #1: "OMG- did he do an R. Kelly?"
Vapid Pinktoe #2: "More like a Tiger Woods!"
WTF!!!!!! Is that whats hot now? White people identifying crimes by black men's names?!!!!
You know I couldn't let that shit slide...
Me: "Nahh, it was more of a Hugh Grant kinda thing".
To which Vapid Pinktoe #2 responded: (evil look) "No, that's not the same".
I honestly don't even think they're aware of their racism. That's how bad its gotten.